transformational soul coaching

This is your opportunity for a deeper YES -

to your own self

and your fullest authentic Life.

YES to your transformation and


Through the relational foundation, we have time and space to really explore the next levels of your growth and how embodiment of your Divine Self, your fullest You, can land and integrate into your life.

Lasting evolution and real transformation requires an investment in yourself - of time, energy and commitment.

Your full courage, Presence are called for, no less.

We are partners in the journey of your own self-discovery and the deeper landing of your authentic Self in your life. Helen’s skillbase as a mentor, guide, healer and transformational coach brings a huge opportunity for you to fully live the life you came here for.

My commitment to you is to call forth your truest self in radical honesty and constant Love and Presencing.

We engage in a committed exploration and evolution of your fullest Self.

Laser Transformational Coaching

This is such an affordable opportunity FOR ONE MONTH ONLY to commit to what lies at the core of your life and integrate your unique and authentic self into all aspects of life. Your investment gives 4 x 25 minute sessions to be taken weekly, or twice weekly if you prefer.

A deep yes to transformation. A deep yes to your own soul. This work is right at the intersection of awareness and grounded living.

I help people to discover and clarify their purpose and goals and then take resonant action toward them. This happens, founded in a field of intelligence and presence by listening, supporting what’s working, being sincere and curious, and by using powerful requests and accountability. You become more aware of your options and choices and discover strategies to overcome obstacles.

This is transformational work that can bring more time, spaciousness, personal fulfillment, abundance, and a more balanced life.

If you want to go deeper, reach out to discuss your needs and tailor-make your coaching plan.

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Helen’s individual work is primarily through the container of a relationship where we mutually commit to exploring deeply together. This is your opportunity to meet one to one to explore the edges of your expansion into your greatest self.

There will be practices and reflection all designed to empower your ownership of your transformational journey.

If you are ready, talk with Helen about the opportunities available and to anchor the best possible program for life-changing work.

Say yes to your soul



Please first have an initial free discovery call with Helen to investigate our mutual fit.